The Future Turns 50 This Year (WSJ)

From computers and money to relations with China, 1971 changed the world in many ways.

Fifty years ago, Amer­ica en­tered a mag­i­cal year. Any year could hold mo­ments of great sig­nif­i­cance, but 1971 stands out. Af­ter a decade of up­heaval, the coun­try was seek­ing a new start. These events launched it.

The Bearer of Good Coronavirus News (WSJ)

In a March article for Stat News, Dr. Ioannidis argued that Covid-19 is far less deadly than modelers were assuming. He considered the experience of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined Feb. 4 in Japan. Nine of 700 infected passengers and crew died. Based on the demographics of the ship’s population, Dr. Ioannidis estimated that the U.S. fatality rate could be as low as 0.025% to 0.625% and put the upper bound at 0.05% to 1%—comparable to that of seasonal flu.